“Readers seeking a vigorous jolt of uplift and motivation will find it here ... A warm-hearted New Age guide to well-being, mixing practical wisdom with soulful effusions.”
—Kirkus Reviews
Pennie Addison has always been a writer at heart. Before retiring from her job of thirty-three years, Pennie intuited that she would write a book composed of the messages she channeled from Spirit and wrote in her journal. A Better World: Starts with a Better Me is the result of listening to and trusting that guiding voice. This is her first book.
Pennie enjoys spending time with family, friends, and in nature, especially at her cottage in Prince Edward County. When not at the cottage, she lives in Toronto, Ontario with her two cats, DaVinci and Mona
“Addison offers advice for channeling spirit guides in this self-help book.
The author begins by recounting her journey into spiritualism, which reached a milestone on September 22, 2018, when she began direct communications with spirit guides Kevin, a gentle, kindly, male energy; Florence, a vivacious, fun-loving, female energy; and “Sh”eila, a bustling, nurse-like energy. She goes on to provide readers with steps for developing their own spiritual practices. These include meditative visualizations of a wilderness waterfall and a golden light that infuses one’s body; a medley of prayers; and a mindfulness exercise in which one contemplates everything that goes into eating a tomato—from the tomato seed to the sunshine and rainfall that nourish it to the grocery-store shelving that displays the ripened fruit to the debit card that purchases it to the mouth that relishes it. The bulk of the text reprints 366 messages from her guides; their content ranges from fitness tips (“[w]alk 10,000 steps daily or do cardio for thirty minutes at least five days per week”) to soothing lifestyle koans (“Don’t stress. Just let things be”) to therapeutic abstractions (“Don’t be afraid of change. Change is good”). In later chapters, the author urges readers to sign an “annual abundance contract” that petitions the universe to grant one’s desires in exchange for commitments to be a good person, undertake steady self-improvement, and accept a “World Challenge” to donate one percent of one’s income to charity. Addison and her spirit guides reassure readers that they can escape their ruts of negativity in elegant prose that moves from firm confidence-building (“You know you can do this, and you know this is something you have to do”) to frank parental scolding (“[c]lean up your bedroom and closets”) to rapturous mysticism (“Every heart is a heart of God”). Readers seeking a vigorous jolt of uplift and motivation will find it here.
A warm-hearted New Age guide to well-being, mixing practical wisdom with soulful effusions.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“This book will be a benefit to people who start their journey and this guide to Pennie's unfoldment may give them inspiration to move forward on their path.”
-- Angie Morra, A Minister of the Religion of Spiritualism
“Pennie is a generous soul and her desire to share her first steps exploring her spirituality is sure to help those starting on theirs. It is like Pennie is sitting right beside you on your journey.”
-- Reverend G. Edwards, Church of Universal Love. Healer, Speaker and Medium
“A Book for Our Times
I truly enjoyed reading A Better World: Starts with a Better Me. This is a book full of knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. It is a wonderful resource to assist humanity on our spiritual growth journey at this time of great ascension in our world. The connection that we have to the higher realms is exemplified and realized in this powerful read. It is indeed time to return to Love and unite as One to create a better world.”
-- Joanna Alexopoulos, Award-Winning Author of Awaken To Your Truth: The Time is Now, Visionary, Spiritual Life Coach, Channeler, Reiki Healer
"I am both honoured that Pennie shared this part of her journey with me, and inspired by her words. She is offering effortless tools anyone can choose to use, to help them on their own personal journey."
-- Yvonne Cook, Medium and Psychic
Book was published on November 8, 2023 and is available in ebook, hardcopy and paperback..
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Kirkus Reviews
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Here are some of my prayers I do throughout the day. As you are following your own journey, please use these as you wish or change them to create your own prayers so they resonate with you.
These may make references to God, Divine, Universe, Source, archangels, guides, spirits, Higher Self, etc. Please feel free to interpret these and incorporate them into your own individual beliefs. These are words that have been created by humans on Earth so use what is most comfortable
for you.
It is very powerful when a community of people collectively send love and healing with specificity. Remember, we are all connected as one and it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, together we have the power to make magic happen.
Get in a comfortable position. Sitting upright, hands placed on your lap with palms up. If possible, have bare feet placed on the ground.
Close your eyes and take three slow deep breaths and quiet the mind.
Visualize. You are standing in an open field with beautiful sunshine and blue skies above. You can feel the heat of the sun against your skin.
You see a path created by animals and other energies in a forest to the left of you. Walk slowly towards this path and pay attention to what you hear, see, smell, and feel.
Walk into the forest along this path. The forest is so dense that it is like a glove protecting you and blocking out all of the sunlight.
The path is well worn down. You can hear the gentle breeze and the rustling of leaves on the trees. Listen to the many voices of birds singing, hidden in the trees around you.
Continue to walk slowly down this path. You now begin to hear a waterfall in the distance. Keep walking along the path. When you get to the opening, you can see this beautiful
waterfall to the right of you and a small lake of water with a teal and blue haze. The waterfall drowns out the sounds in the forest. Walk towards the waterfall and stand one step behind it. There will be a flat rock in front of you that you can step on with your bare feet.
Take a deep breath and ask the spiritual realm to send healers to help you for this healing meditation. These can be the God of your understanding, archangels, masters, guides, your spiritual team, or any other energy that is here for your highest good.
Slowly, the colour of the waterfall changes to a sparkling golden light. Take a step forward so the golden light falls on the top of your head down to your feet. (You can choose to
change the colour of the light to white). This is your meditation so you can focus longer on areas of the body you are being guided to that may need additional healing.
Slowly let the golden light travel from the top of your crown to inside your head, across your eyes, ears and face. Down to your neck, shoulders and both arms and to the tips of your fingers.
Light is now travelling into the chest cavity and filling the heart with light and love. Stay there and let the golden light fill your heart until it is overflowing. Move the light down to the hips and continue down both legs, ankles and feet. Let the light travel out of the bottom of your feet into the Earth below and send healing light to the world and all energies.
Go back to your heart which is overflowing with light. Gently send this golden light out to any specific energy in need. (Give one to two minutes of silence to identify who you want to send healing to).
Then send this light to the world and focus on any specific areas in need. (Again, give one to two minutes of silence to identify areas of the world that need help). Continue to send
the golden light to the Universe and beyond.
Take a deep breath and step back onto the flat rock behind you.
Send thanks to all the spiritual energies that have joined you today for healing. Take some time now for all that you are grateful. (one to two minutes or more if needed).
The waterfall has changed back to its original colour.
Return to the path and slowly walk back into the forest. Again, listen to the leaves rustling in the wind and the birds singing their happy songs.
Step out into the field and feel the sunshine’s warmth against your skin. Look at the beautiful green field filled with bright coloured flowers under the blue skies above.
Take a deep, slow breath. Take another deep, slow breath.
Take one more deep slow breath and open your eyes.
Slowly move your body, fingers and toes. How do you feel?
(When times seem frustrating or you feel stressed or anxious you can always return to the golden (or white) light to ground yourself again and connect with Spirit. Although Spirit is always with you, sometimes you need to meditate, to feel more connected.)
This is done when you are still lying in bed, before your feet touch the floor. Again, replace the energies you are calling on to what resonates with you.
Dear God, Jesus, archangel, angel spirit, spirit guide, spirit team, ascended masters, and all the other energies that are here for my highest good, to help me learn and to guide me through this incredible journey here on Earth so that I can be a better person and enrich my spirituality.
Thank you for being in my life. I give you permission to continue to be in my life every day and to help me live each moment in love, kindness, peace and joy. The only thing I ask is that your messages, lessons and guidance be very clear so it is easy for me to understand what I need to do.
Thank you for giving me this new day. Today will be fantastic.
Thank you to all the energies who will assist my human body and keep it healthy and strong.
Today I will live each moment in love, kindness, peace and joy.
Please send healing to all energies in need, including myself.
To those who are impacted by areas that are suffering at the moment.
To those in power who lead with greed and violence. I’m sending you love and peace and hope that one day soon you will be able to go within, find the love and peace within your heart, and share it with the rest of the world.
(At this point you can add names of people, places or countries that are struggling and where energies are impacted).
Those dealing with mental or physical health, addictions, and loneliness. Those that are violent and those living in violence. Those that do not have healthy food to eat, clean water to drink, and a safe shelter to live in.
(Below is to set your intentions for the upcoming day. In the evening prayer, you will have an opportunity to reflect on how you did.)
My intentions today are to: (List what you would like achieve today.)
Please see the section on “How to Channel Messages from Spirit?” in my book.
I encourage you to write your spiritual messages in a journal first thing in the morning. Otherwise, if left until later in the day, it may be forgotten.
The more you practice doing this, the faster you will connect with Spirit and get better messages.
(This was one of the prayers we did when I was a child before a meal)
Thank you for the world so sweet.
Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, God (or your choice) for everything.
Below is my version of a prayer for giving thanks for the food and beverages (energies) I am grateful to have. If I miss saying this during the day, I include a statement in both my morning and evening prayers to cover the entire day. Please revise this based on your own internal guide.
“I am very grateful for your energy that is helping me survive in my human form. Like all other energies, I will not be greedy or waste your precious energy. Thank you.”
I usually take some time after this prayer to reflect on what I said and really feel in my body how grateful I truly am.
I started this activity many years ago and still continue to do so. It is used to reflect on my day of all the positive things that happened before I wind down for sleep.
Here are the steps I think and handwrite about each night in my evening journal. The first three questions have been adapted from Tony Robbins.
1. What did I learn today?
2. What energy (or energies) did I help today and what did I do? This could be making a call to check-in on someone who is ill.
3. What did I do for myself today?7 An example could be you took care of your body by exercising and eating healthy. Maybe you did something new and different (experienced life) or you let your inner child out to play and were creative. If you notice you were helping others and not doing something positive for yourself, then it’s time to make yourself a priority.
4. Overall, how was your day? I now only write “fantastic.” Even if it wasn’t the best day, I’m able to find something positive that happened.
5. I finish my journal by writing a list of everything I am grateful for. I don’t always remember, so will sometimes make notes on my cell phone to remind me later.
This is almost the same as the morning prayer but is an opportunity to reflect on how you did during your day. This is done just before you fall asleep while lying in bed (or you can kneel on the floor in a prayer position.) Sometimes, I fall asleep before I finish or I drift off and have to return to this prayer multiple times to finish it.
The prayers have evolved over time and will continue to evolve for me in the future. You can change this as you are being guided.
Dear God, Jesus, archangel, angel spirit, spirit guide, spirit team, ascended masters, and all other energies that are here for my highest good, to help me learn and to through this incredible journey here on Earth so that I can be a better person and enrich my spirituality.
Thank you for being in my life. I give you permission to continue to be in my life every day and to help me live each moment in love, kindness, peace, and joy. The only thing I ask is that your messages, lessons, and guidance be very clear so it is easy for me to understand what I need to do.
Thank you for giving me this day. Today was fantastic.
Thank you to all the energies that assisted me and are keeping my body healthy and strong.
(Reflect and give thanks to the energies (for example, material items) that assisted you, such as actions taken towards your life’s purpose and the healthy food and beverages you had today.)
Today, I lived each moment with love, kindness, peace, and joy.
Today, I had one (or more) moment(s) that I didn’t stay with love, kindness, peace, and joy. Tomorrow, I will live each moment with love, kindness, peace and joy.
(You can briefly highlight the moments that were challenging for you. Do not judge yourself or feel bad. Remember, you are human and tomorrow is a new day. Continue to learn and practice living in the moment with love, kindness, peace, and joy. It will get easier.)
Please send healing to all energies in need, including myself.
To those who are impacted by areas that are suffering at the moment.
To those in power who lead with greed and violence. I’m sending you love and peace and hope that one day soon you will be able to go within, find the love and peace within your heart, and share it with the rest of the world.
(You can add names of other people, places or countries where energies are impacted.)
Those dealing with mental or physical health, addictions, and loneliness. Those who are violent and those living in violence. Those who don’t have healthy food to eat, clean water to drink, and a safe shelter to live in.
Today I did…
(Look back at your day and describe how you did with your morning intentions or add what else happened during your day that was positive. What did you do or achieve throughout your day? Focus on yourself and how you helped other energies.)
Writing an Annual Abundance Contract Between (you) and (the Universe/God/Divine) and/or (your Higher Self) (whoever you are being guided to write this with)
Please do your research so you are well educated before you draft your contract and have it reflect what you really want and desire. Review and revise your contract often when
you are ready to make a permanent change to your “wish list” or, if the “law of attraction” has come true enabling you to remove your desire from your next contract.
If your desires do not turn out the way you wanted, or when, do not judge or be hard on yourself. Surrender and accept this “as is.” The path you were hoping for may not be the right path for you, and there may be a bigger and better plan coming your way from the spiritual realm.
Be grateful for all that you have. Give thanks for all that you’ve received. You might be surprised that what ends up happening in your life is better than what you could have ever imagined.
(Due to the Website Plan I have I’m not able to set up a download for the Abundance Contract as noted in the book. Please either refer to the book for an example or contact me and I will send this by email.)
Do you have the basics in life such as food, shelter, and clean water? Then you are able to give generously to other energies in need, such as donating money, clothes, food, furniture, etc. to charities as well as being a volunteer.
When you have more than the basics in life and there is extra income, sometimes we become greedy and continue to want more and spend more. You may also become careless and wasteful because you have more than what you need.
Do your best to eliminate and reduce greed and waste and give generously to other energies in need. I truly believe that together we can make a difference.
Some people think that it is only the rich that should be donating money to charities. But we are in this together and if you have more than basic needs then you are also responsible in contributing and helping other energies in need.
If everyone donates only 1% of their take-home pay, then we can change our world for the better and ensure that all energies are well taken care of.
All energies mean everything on, above, and below the Earth’s surface. This includes humans, animals, insects, plant life, trees, water, air, etc.
Here are some suggested areas to donate towards:
- Healthy food
- Clean water
- Safe shelter in which to live
- Mental and physical health
- Rehabilitation for addictions
- Loneliness
- Rehabilitation for those who are violent
- Energies living in violence and/or recovering from violence
- Climate change
Donations should be more than self-serving, such as a hospital lottery ticket where you have a chance to win something, or you brag or post what you’ve done to receive recognition, and positive responses from others such as social media. Buying lottery tickets for a good cause is a
great fundraiser, but since this is not a selfless act, it is not included in this challenge.
DO YOUR RESEARCH—Investigate to make sure the charity you’re considering is legitimate.
So how does this 1% Take-Home Pay for Charities work?
Calculate your annual take-home pay for the year, then times this amount by 1%. If your income fluctuates, then you can use the previous year’s take-home income. This total would be the amount you would donate during the year.
For example, if my take-home pay in 2023 is $40,000, then my calculation is as follows:
$40,000 x 1% = $400 in donations to charities of my choice in 2023.
You can always exceed this amount as well as volunteer or donate items to a charity.
(Due to the Website Plan I have I’m not able to set up a download for the World Challenge Table as noted in the book. Please either refer to the book for an example or contact me and I will send this by email.)
March 30, 2022
“Don’t let fear prevent you from living, experiencing, and learning. Let your inner child out to have fun in whatever you’re guided to do. Surrender and let this book travel the path it is meant to take. Listen and learn by going within, connecting with Spirit, and taking action to become a
better person.
We can and will create a better world together…as one.”
GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity.
Our global network collabora...
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